Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
Walserstrasse 264
A 6992 Hirschegg
Tel: +43 5517 5114 0
Fax: +43 5517 5114 419
Imprint applies to the following Social Media Channels:
Publisher of the website and person responsible for media:
Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
Headquarters of the cooperative:
Political municipality of Mittelberg (Vorarlberg)
Chair of the board
Sandra Brutscher, Dipl. BW
Justina Rokita, Dipl. BW
Supervisory board
Herr Andi Haid
Herr Joachim Müller
Frau Bärbel Bantel
Frau Claudia Moosbrugger
Herr Michael Kessler
Herr Thomas Egger
Herr Dr. Andreas Gapp
Herr Matthias Bischof
Herr Oliver Rinner
Herr Manfred Heim
Ownership structure
“Genossenschaften” are cooperatives with an open number of members. All members have one voting right at the general meeting.
Purpose of the company
The purpose of the cooperative is primarily to support the income and economic interests of its members, in particular through the development and promotion of the Kleinwalsertal valley as a tourist destination.
The purpose of the company includes, in particular:
- tourist product management
- the distribution and sale of the services of the tourist service partners
- marketing and communication
- customer service (guest and service partner services)
Company registration
Firmenbuch Feldkirch FN 388822y
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (UID): ATU 67604728
DVR Nummer: 0093157
Bank details
Walser Raiffeisen Bank
IBAN: AT06 3743 4000 0393 0211
Liability for links
Despite careful monitoring of content, Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen does not accept any liability for the content of external links. In addition, Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen does not accept any responsibility for the content of websites of its partners and participating companies referred to using links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for the content thereof.
Copyright, terms of use
The content of this website is protected by copyright. All content, text, graphics and photos are the property of Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen; all rights reserved. Certain content may also be subject to copyright and terms of use on the part of partners or suppliers.
The use of content and image material from this website on other websites is only permitted with the express consent of Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen.
Photo/video credits: Alpinschule Oberstdorf, Andy Mayr, Andre Tappe, Andreas Haller, Andy Herr, Bastian Morell, Bayrische Schlösserverwaltung: Anton Brandl, Thomas Wolf, Ben Wiesenfarth, Bergchalet Baad, Bergwelt Oberstaufen: Moritz Sonntag, Britta Maier, Blair Stevenson, Carolin Schratt, Christoffer Leitner, Clemens Paul, Crystal Ground, Daniel Geiger, Dennis Stratmann, Dominik Berchtold, Elmar Müller, Martin Schuster, Ole Ipsen, Frank Drechsel, Gaestehaus Mathies, Snowbike, Hans Wiesenhofer, Inatura Dornbirn, informpark Oberstdorf, Isaak Papadopoulos, Justina Wilhelm, Louisa Hieke, Heim und Gruber GbR, Lukas Rinner, Marmot: Anton Brey, Frank Kretschmann, Kempten Tourismus: Martin Erd, Klaus Kranebitter, Jasmin Gabler, Katharina Kleiter, Klaus Weber, Michael Monschau, Monika Gmeiner, Moritz Hübner, Naturhotel Chesa Valisa: Andrea Knura, Werner Krug, Oberstdorf Kleinwalsertal Bergbahnen: Alex Savarino, Christian Seitz, Jennifer Tautz, Manfred Pudell, Olaf Beck, Oliver Farys, Oostenrijk TV, Philip Herzhoff, Robert Kampczyk, Sandra Leitner, Skischule Hirschegg, Stefan Heim, Stefan Klauser, Steffen Berschin, Stephan Repke, Telemark Plus e.V.: Max Hübner, Uwe Englert, Vanessa Freytag, Vorarlberg Travel, Hermann Türtscher, Wolfgang Ehn, Wildnisschule Kleinwalsertal, Wonnemar Sonthofen, Hannah Bichay.
The information contained on this website has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and checked carefully for accuracy. Nevertheless, content-based and material errors cannot be completely excluded. Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, topicality or completeness of the information provided. All information is provided without guarantee. This also applies to all links to other URLs cited on this website.
Exclusion of liability
Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen shall not be liable in any case for loss or damage of any kind (including resulting or indirect damage or lost profit) that may be incurred through or in conjunction with accessing the Kleinwalsertal-Tourismus website, bringing up, using or consulting its content or through the links to websites or URLs of other operators set up on the Kleinwalsertal-Tourismus website. This also applies if Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen was informed of the possibility of such damage. In addition, Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen shall not be responsible for technical malfunctions, e.g. server breakdowns, disruption to or loss of telecommunications connections or similar, leading to (temporary) unavailability of the Kleinwalsertal-Tourismus website in part or in whole or to (temporary) unavailability or distortion of data.
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