Get to know Kleinwalsertal
How well do you know Kleinwalsertal? Find out interesting facts about the three villages Riezlern, Hirschegg & Mittelberg with Baad - there are wonderful hiking trails plus you are within the ski resort or on the cross-country trail in a minute... Get to know the side valleys and the most striking mountains and peaks. The highest mountain, the Great Widderstein, located at the end of the valley - do you know how tall it is? We hope you enjoy exploring our Austrian alpine destination!
The valley was settled in 1270 by Walser, an ethnic group that immigrated from the upper Valais (Switzerland). The dialect has maintained itself quite well and differs significantly from the neighbors in Vorarlberg and Allgäu.
With its approximately 5,000 inhabitants, the valley is divided into three villages Riezlern, Hirschegg & Mittelberg with Baad. Kleinwalsertal extends over an area of 97 km². It is about 15 km long and about 6.5 km wide. [To the map]
Surrounded by mountains the valley is accessible by car only from German federal territory. To get from here to the "rest of" Austria, you have to either hike or take a 45 km long car ride. For this reason, it has been a customs connection area since 1891, to relieve the valley population financially. For years, the official currency of Kleinwalsertal was D-Mark. With the EU accession, the associated Schengen Agreement and the changeover to Euro, the "Customs connection status" has lost its significance.
Riezlern (1089 m)
Riezlern, located at the beginning of the valley, with its hamlets Wald, Schwende, Unterwestegg and Egg is the largest town in Kleinwalsertal.
The church tower of the parish church Maria Opferung stands out from the townscape. Furthermore, the Casino Kleinwalsertal and Kanzelwandbahn are located in Riezlern. In winter, Riezlern offers both après-ski and quiet corners. At the Crystal Ground Snowpark, all snowboarders and freeskiers can board directly into the park. For all other large and small winter sports fans a variety of other lifts are waiting directly at Kanzelwandbahn. For all cross-country skiers the Schwende trail can be found in the district Schwende.
In summer, the outdoor pool offers refreshment and those of you who seek recreation will be happy at the local park. Riezlern is also the starting point for numerous hikes into the Walser mountains.
47.21300 ° latitude - 10.11100 ° east longitude - Postcode: A - 6991
Hirschegg (1122 m)
Hirschegg is the second town in Kleinwalsertal. Its districts include Au, Wäldele, Letze, Nebenwasser and Dürenboden.
In the center you will find the parish church of St. Anna, the elementary school with kindergarten and right on the village square the Walserhaus. It is used as an event center, as well as the Tourism center, also the mountain show 1122 is located here.
Also in Hirschegg you will find Heuberg-Arena and slightly up the hill is the Evangelical Church. Ifen ski area offers winter sports fun in very special surroundings and is located at the entrance of Schwarzwassertal.
47.20 ° latitude - 10.15 ° east longitude - ZIP: A-6992
Mittelberg (1215 m)
Namesake of the community is the town Mittelberg. This also includes the districts Tobel, Höfle, Schwendle, Stütze and Bödmen.
At the highest point of the village is the parish church of St. Jodok with the oldest church tower of Kleinwalsertal, just behind is the Lourdeskapelle from 1897. Nearby you will also find an elementary school with kindergarten and the Walmendingerhornbahn for skiing and hiking.
From Schwendle you can reach the Wildental via hiking trails and from Bödmen you get to Gemsteltal.
In Mittelberg, relaxation seekers will also find health and wellness offers. In addition, the access to the Steinbock cross-country ski trail is located in winter.
47.19280 ° latitude - 10.09166 east longitude - Postal Code: A-6993
Baad (1244 m)
The mountain village Baad begind Mittelberg is completely surrounded by mountains. From here you can only explore the Walser mountains by foot.
In Baad, you can enjoy the tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of various offers. With the Walserbus you can reach the nearest lifts and cable cars in just 5-10 minutes.
In Winter Cross-country skiers get their money's worth in Baad and can directly enter the Steinbock trail here.
The mountain church of St. Martin was built a little higher. From there you can enjoy the view of the mountains - they are within your reach in Baad.
In summer Baad is the starting point for numerous hikes and mountain bike tours because it is surrounded by valleys (Bärgunttal, Derratal, Starzeltal and Duratal). The Breitach is fed from three different creeks - Bärguntbach, Derrabach and Durabach.
47.30954 ° lat. Latitude - 10.12206 ° east longitude - Zip: A-6993

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